Should i hire an attorney for a dui case?

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New Member
i got a dui last thursday in pacific grove, ca...1st dui..27 yrs old...blew .10 how bad of a punishment am i looking at $, school, probation, license...any info would be helpful especially if u have had one.
i got a dui last thursday in pacific grove, ca...1st dui..27 yrs old...blew .10 how bad of a punishment am i looking at $, school, probation, license...any info would be helpful especially if u have had one.

There are a number of consequences that can stem from a DUI offense...In some cases, if this is your first DUI offense, the California DMV can suspend the license of a driver a minimum of four months...An experienced California DUI attorney can help you through this situation and advise you on the best options you should take.
I strongly encourage legal help. I have a family member who went through this. They hired a great lawyer and pleaded to Careless Driving. Still had to take the alcohol classes, community service, but received no DUI. You either pay for the lawyer or you pay the price.
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