Sentencing, Plea Bargains should I take my case to trial or plea guilty?

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I was persuaded by a family member to sell his "friend" some drugs..but my cousin had set me up with an undercover of now, my lawyer got a copy of the recorded tape where I made the deal but he says u can't make out nothing on the tape, and the prosecutors copy is no good either. My case has been postponed until my lawyer retrieves a valid recording. They want me to plea guilty to selling a look a like substance. But with no tape, they have nothing on me, right?. Should I agree to plea guilty or take my case to trial?. Please help me
Only you can decide that with the counsel of your lawyer.
The tape is not necessary. The officer will testify against you.
How do you think they made these arrests before tiny little cameras became so common place in our lives?
Your lawyer can explain your options.
What risks do I take taking my case to trial?

The same risk you take when hitting 16 in Black Jack, shooting dice, or betting on the Three horse in the fifth race at Pimlico; you could lose.

Except, losing in a criminal trial could mean prison.

I suggest you discuss this with your lawyer, think about the outcomes, weigh your choices, then decide.
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