Should she have been fired??.. do i have a law suit??

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Despite providing a page and a half long post, you inexplicably do not describe in any detail how this manager purportedly harassed you. If you want an informed opinion, you should provide the responders with a clear and concise summary of how she allegedly harassed you.

If she merely does not like you and has expressed her dislike to coworkers, such comments probably would not constitute actionable harassment. If there is more here, you should be able to summarize how the nature of her comments was harassing in nature.
What you related, OP, is nothing more than the garden variety "she said"; "she said"!

You have no proof of anything.

It might be time for you to seek new employment.

The next conversation your GM might have with you is to tell you good bye.

As Donald Trump is fond of saying, "You're fired!"
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