Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Signature BOND

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Hello all....
I have a problem i am 24 years old and had a Criminal traffic (driving after revocation) ticket case going on in wisconsin....i was going to court for 9 months and they just kept putting the dates off...well i have a 8 month old child and had was in an abusive relationship so to get away from my aduser i just up and moved to Nevada with my father. Well needless to say i did not return to court on my next scheduled court date. Well now i just received notice via mail that i owe them $1000.00 because of bond forfeiture....HELP i dont have $1000 and i dont know what to do. If i go back to wisconsin and go to court and get the case taken care of will i still be responsible for the $1000. Please if anyone knows any info about this can you please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you
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