signed a hiring contract then was let go


New Member
in Washington state, I started the process to be a care provider for mother n law who has cancer. Before I started I told the case worker I had a felony & for what in Oregon in 1994 & she said it was no problem.

I went through the background check & finger print FBI check. A few weeks later i was called by the person who done my background check & was told my background came back & was fine & to come in & complete the hiring contract which I did. Then while I was doing my online safety training & waiting for them to add my client to my WA state IPone payroll account I received a call from aging & long-term care office saying they cannot hire me because of my background.

I asked for a copy of the background check. I received the background check it says that disqualifying information *reported by one or more background check data systems. This means the applicant cannot have unsupervised access to children or venerable adults. if they do they may be violating federal & state regulations & the DSHS oversight program. Then it says "*based on the disqualifying crimes & negative actions adopted by the DSHS oversite program." When I reviewed my background check the * factors are that I am a convicted felon and it states

Additional identifiers

Arrest #01 1994/03/06 OR0100500 – Roseburg Police department FPN/16136141

#01 ORS 475.992 Controlled substance offense-possession

#02 ORS 161.685 fail to pay fine – Theft 3

#03 ORS 133.075 Fail to appear – crime citation

#04 ORS 475.992 controlled substance offense – deliver


01 1994/03/14 OR010053j-dis CRT Roseburg Dis CRT CASE


ORS 475.992 Controlled substance offense-possession/felony

Docket#/ 94CRO524F

*02 1994/08/23 OR010053j-Douglas County Circuit COU Convicted- Felony

ORS 475.992 Controlled substance offense- - Deliver/manufacture

Docket#/ 94CRO524FE


*03 1994/08/23 OR010053j-Douglas County Circuit COU Convicted- Felony

ORS 475.992 Controlled substance offense-possess

$85 – fine 20D jail

24m prob Docket#/ 94CRO524FE

entered 1994/06/08 last updated 2003/06/23

This charge is more than 24 years old and it does not say but it was for possession of Marijuana and if I remember right they said because it was in a baggie and I was driving it was delivery. I am not sure why it says that it was deliver/manufacture but it looks like they added all the charges in to one. I was in a serious car accident in march 2002 and sustained head injuries so somethings I cannot quite remember. This very old issue when I was young and dumb and my fine was only $85 and you know as well as i do that the fine would be nore than $85 if it was for meth or delivery/ manufacturing. I did everything I was supposed to do and I have only had 2 issues since this in Washington 1 was a gross misdemeanor and 1 was driving while license suspended in 1/03/2003. Not to mention they got my birth date wrong but I am sure they will say it's a type error.

Also since then I have gone through numerous background checks in 1999 I was a care provider for my mon paid by the state of Oregon and in Washington in 2014 I did a background check to be a child care provider and passed this was also done through the DSHS office. I do not have any violent crimes no crimes against elderly or children. So, I am wondering if they can hold this felony against me now and they did not in the past?

I am truly confused and the person that needs the help is now going without getting any.


Teresa Weers
A person lives a spotless life for 60 years.

Then one day a life gets stained.

It took the person 60 years to build a reputation, but in 60 seconds or less, a life was destroyed.

Legislators are looking at ways to allow those who stain themselves to get the stain removed after all fines, fees, costs, and incarceration has been completed.

Unless that happens, teach others not to destroy their lives with one stupid, criminal, careless, or negligent act.

Be your dream maker, not your own dream breaker.
A person lives a spotless life for 60 years.

Then one day a life gets stained.

It took the person 60 years to build a reputation, but in 60 seconds or less, a life was destroyed.

Legislators are looking at ways to allow those who stain themselves to get the stain removed after all fines, fees, costs, and incarceration has been completed.

Unless that happens, teach others not to destroy their lives with one stupid, criminal, careless, or negligent act.

Be your dream maker, not your own dream breaker.

This post was of no use to me at all. I came here to get some kind advise in a way i could proceede.

I do agree that there needs to be something done that can help someone truly fix what they now know was a mistake and they have learned from that mistake and have done everything they could to correct thier mistake. Not having a way for someone to fix what is written on paper has made it easy for the others in society to judge you and feel like they are superior and above you in one way or another when they them self have done the same type of things or worse but was not caught and now they use your indiscretion against you to disqualify you from jobs which you are qualified to do so now it is harder than ever for us that are trying to making a living to make a living and be productive members of society. People need to see what is past what is written on paper and see the true person that is in front of you to assess thier credentials for a job.

I obviously do not know every person in the world but i do know real people and there is not one person in this world that has not made a bad judgement in their life a time or two and that judgement could stain their life & record for the rest of their life. Just because someone did not get caught for their reckless thought or action does not mean that they did not do it! It was still a action that could of landed in them in the same place or worse than i am in right now. When we all are young and dumb and still learning we don't think to realize this particular action could & would affect our whole life. There are those of us that truly have learned.

I am not saying that you do not look at what someone has done and if they are still continuing to do bad over and over but you should look at all the circumstances that go with it before you label them disqualified. We as a society like to judge others but not judge ourselves which we all do but when you act on your own judgement of others based on what you think a person should be with out any flaws is wrong because when you are pointing your finger at someone else saying BAD BAD BAD don't forget there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.

Sincerely Teresa
I am happy I was unable to help you.
Thank you for praising my ability to post useless, innocuous, vacuous posts.

I am pleased to learn that I can keep down with others.

I do not care what strangers I will never know say about me, especially convicted lawbreakers.
I am happy I was unable to help you.
Thank you for praising my ability to post useless, innocuous, vacuous posts.

I am pleased to learn that I can keep down with others.

I do not care what strangers I will never know say about me, especially convicted lawbreakers.

wow this is the exact kind of closed minded issues that i am talking about. you sit here thinking you are more superior than everyone else and i am sure that you have committed a crime in your life time that could of altered you life in many ways and if you say that you haven't you are lying to your self. people that are coming on here looking for some good advice whether the outcome for them will be good or bad but at least it is true advice. instead of getting advice that someone is just quoting from others. thaty has no meaning to the issue that they are needing help with.
wow this is the exact kind of closed minded issues that i am talking about. you sit here thinking you are more superior than everyone else and i am sure that you have committed a crime in your life time that could of altered you life in many ways and if you say that you haven't you are lying to your self. people that are coming on here looking for some good advice whether the outcome for them will be good or bad but at least it is true advice. instead of getting advice that someone is just quoting from others. thaty has no meaning to the issue that they are needing help with.


What is it that you are expecting a message board to tell you? Let's start with that.

Well some legal advice in what way someone can proceede or atleast a point in the direction of either to help you find the correct way you could get help in this matter or even if it is just a hopeless case but something that you could atleast decide what your next step could be. Just a strait up answer it might be a a answer i like or dis lile but as long as it addresses the question i asked. I do appreciate the time people use out of their busy schedule to answer these questions and give sound advice.
Teresa weers
Is there something in the background check that is incorrect?
Well yes i was arrested for possession of a controlled substance which was marsjuana. But if im looking at the info i posted above correctly it looks like it says firt it was terminated then they list it provision/merged/ concurrent on the charges under the same case and i dont know what it is all about. Also they have my date of birth listed as 7:29/1963 but i was born in 1967. I was fined $85 and probation i have called to find out more specifics on it and they said it has been arcived and would take a few weeks or longer & she didnt think they can even bring up any more than what i already have
Your posts are a bit difficult to read but it appears you are attempting to become qualified in WA state as a care giver to an elderly or infirm person under a DSHS program. If so, there are certain felony convictions which will disqualify you from consideration. Disqualifying List of Crimes and Negative Actions | DSHS

This is not negotiable. It doesn't matter what you were told on the phone by some random person or that you might have cared for some other family member in the past. Certainly, you could still provide care for your loved one at home, you just would not be eligible to participate in this program in doing so.
Your posts are a bit difficult to read but it appears you are attempting to become qualified in WA state as a care giver to an elderly or infirm person under a DSHS program. If so, there are certain felony convictions which will disqualify you from consideration. Disqualifying List of Crimes and Negative Actions | DSHS

This is not negotiable. It doesn't matter what you were told on the phone by some random person or that you might have cared for some other family member in the past. Certainly, you could still provide care for your loved one at home, you just would not be eligible to participate in this program in doing so.

Thank you that is all i was asking for is a straight up answer or direction so I can proceed in whatever direction I can. like I said it didn't matter if the outcome for me would of been better or worse at least your answer is based on true facts. I am in the process now to get this issue removed from my record, yes it will be a slight battle the biggest part of the battle is obtaining the archived records from 29 years ago from a small town. Thank you again for the help and information it was Greatly Appreciated. Sincerely Teresa
I would like to thank everyone for taking their time to read my post and provide me information on my current issue. Your help was Greatly Appreciated. Thank you again.

Sincerely Teresa

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