signing over rights of a child

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My sister is 15 weeks pregnant & doesnt want the child considering she has a 9momth old and says she cant take care another one. So talked about abortion I talked her out of it and told her I would care for the child. & I have no idea where to begin. Do I need a attorney or do I just go with the court system. The baby is due in july & I wanna have everything legal because I dont want in a couple months/years her change her mind and want the baby back. HELP PLEASE!!
My sister is 15 weeks pregnant & doesnt want the child considering she has a 9momth old and says she cant take care another one. So talked about abortion I talked her out of it and told her I would care for the child. & I have no idea where to begin. Do I need a attorney or do I just go with the court system. The baby is due in july & I wanna have everything legal because I dont want in a couple months/years her change her mind and want the baby back. HELP PLEASE!!

The Father is needed before anything happens where is Dad?
You best handle this with an attorney. Both mom and dad must approve you getting her. If either are under 18 the tolling time to withdraw starts at legal age.
Oh my, this is another sad tale.

A mother to be doesn't want to birth the baby, allegedly.

Her sister wants to adopt the baby.

Sissy, God bless you, but this is never easy, and it isn't cheap.

Is your sister MARRIED?

How old is your sister?

How old are you, Sissy?

Have you discussed this with your MOTHER and/or FATHER?


Is the alleged father of your sister's baby, aware of the fact that his lover (your sister) is preggers?

Finally, Sissy, this is at best a VERY long shot, even with a lawyer.

So, before you get too committed to this, and end up with a broken heart, discuss this with a couple lawyers in your county.

Don't take your sister, whatever you do. Meet with the lawyers, see how expensive and hard this will be. The lawyers will meet with you the FIRST time usually for FREE.

After you've met with the lawyers, then come back and we can discuss this a little more.
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