Single mom/son out of wedlock wants alimony

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Single mother, son 8 months old born out of wedlock, but the father has signed legal and official paternity papers proving that he is the father of the child. These papers are filed at the city office. Will be meeting with him day after tomorrow to go over child support issues since the we have decided to go our seperate ways. Is there some sort of document that you may have available that can be used for him to sign once a set amount has been decided? Also what is a good monthly support amount and until what age? Am I also able to ask support for myself if I am unemployed? He is a very successful businessman and has many assests but not working at the moment because of health problems. Also there is the age factor. The father is much older, almost 30 years difference. He has a family of his own with three grown children ( two sons, one daughter) who also have knowledge of what has happened. Thank-you for your time and support.
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