Singled out at work

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I am a teacher in a Catholic school. I have spoken out about a few things that have concerned myself and others. In retaliation I have been singled out and am wondering if this could be labeled as harrassment. I was served a "new policy" regarding the purchase of school items. It was stated that receipts would be turned into the business office in a "timely fashion" or the money would be taken out of my paycheck. The cover letter for this document stated that the new policy would go into effect immediately. After inquiring with other staff members as to whether or not they had received the "new policy" I found out that I was the only person who was given this letter. They have already taken funds out of my paycheck without my signed permission. They did this to pay a chaparone who rode on a bus that contained my students. Can they do this? Isn't it illegal to take money out of someone's paycheck?
Another situation occured at the end of the school year. At check out time I was given a "teacher improvement plan". In the plan it was stated that I would "demonstrate a positive attitude at school, about school and in dealing with others in regard to school" that I would "use respectful language and attitudes in communications with others" and that I would "meet deadlines and expectations of administration as requested". I asked if all the other teachers were getting an "improvement plan" and was told "No, they don't need one". I believe they are trying to tell me how to walk and how to talk on the job. Can they do that? Do I have any grounds to claim harrassment?
I am a teacher in a Catholic school. I have spoken out about a few things that have concerned myself and others. In retaliation I have been singled out and am wondering if this could be labeled as harrassment. I was served a "new policy" regarding the purchase of school items. It was stated that receipts would be turned into the business office in a "timely fashion" or the money would be taken out of my paycheck. The cover letter for this document stated that the new policy would go into effect immediately. After inquiring with other staff members as to whether or not they had received the "new policy" I found out that I was the only person who was given this letter. They have already taken funds out of my paycheck without my signed permission. They did this to pay a chaparone who rode on a bus that contained my students. Can they do this? Isn't it illegal to take money out of someone's paycheck?
Another situation occured at the end of the school year. At check out time I was given a "teacher improvement plan". In the plan it was stated that I would "demonstrate a positive attitude at school, about school and in dealing with others in regard to school" that I would "use respectful language and attitudes in communications with others" and that I would "meet deadlines and expectations of administration as requested". I asked if all the other teachers were getting an "improvement plan" and was told "No, they don't need one". I believe they are trying to tell me how to walk and how to talk on the job. Can they do that? Do I have any grounds to claim harrassment?

You've mixed the discussion with two distinct and separate issues.

I'll address the latter, first.
Your employer can place any employee on a performance improvement plan.
That is entirely up to their discretion.
They don't have to to take the same step for every employee.
They can simply warn one employee, while placing another on the performance plan.

In order to deduct anything from your wages, an employer must have a signed document giving them that authority.

Q. What can be deducted from my wages?
A. Items on the following list can be deducted from wages. For exceptions see Iowa Code Chapter 91A.5.
1. Taxes
2. Garnishments
3. Deductions for any lawful purpose accruing to the benefit of the employee if the employee has given written authorization for the deduction (for example, insurance, 401K, pensions, bonds and savings programs).

Items on the following list cannot be deducted:
1. Cash shortages in common money till
2. Losses due to breakage, damage, acceptance of bad checks, and default of customer credit except in certain limited cases
3. Lost or stolen property unless certain conditions are met
4. Tips
5. Personal protective equipment in most cases
6. Moving costs except in certain cases

In Iowa, complaints about unlawfully deducting wages for any purpose without your express permission can be addressed to:
DES MOINES, IOWA 50319-0209
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In my case, where they have already deducted money from my paycheck (they also took money out of my check to pay for a hotel room that I was going to pay for, I never got the chance to do that, they just deducted it from my check) they claim that they "discussed" it with me beforehand, even though I don't remember any such discussion. Would a "discussion" be all they need or do they definately need my permission in writing?
Nik55b said:
In my case, where they have already deducted money from my paycheck (they also took money out of my check to pay for a hotel room that I was going to pay for, I never got the chance to do that, they just deducted it from my check) they claim that they "discussed" it with me beforehand, even though I don't remember any such discussion. Would a "discussion" be all they need or do they definately need my permission in writing?

File a complaint as directed hereinabove.

No, what they did (if it is as you allege it) violates Iowa law. Please read what I posted above, again.

In order to deduct most anything, there must be a signed authorization on file. Even if you gave them verbal approval, that doesn't satsify Iowa law.

Lastly, don't go spouting off about the law. Keep quiet about it and file a claim against them with the state!!!

This isn't the time to TIP your hand or show your cards! People get very clever, devious, and diabolical when you start shooting your mouth off to them. Business as usual, just keep acting the same way, business as usual.
Thank you for the information. I have one more question for you. If I would file a claim against them I would certainly lose my job or be harrassed to the point of quitting. What kind of a settlement could possibly result from a claim like this? Is it worth losing my job over? Or would they just get a "slap on the wrist"?
Thank you for the information. I have one more question for you. If I would file a claim against them I would certainly lose my job or be harrassed to the point of quitting. What kind of a settlement could possibly result from a claim like this? Is it worth losing my job over? Or would they just get a "slap on the wrist"?

Hamlet said it best:
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream:
ay, there's the rub:

Yes, you have identified one of life's great dilemmas.
You do not necessarily win, when you win.
You often win, even when you've lost!

The law does prevent retaliation for filing a claim, yet, some people are very crafty, aren't they???

I am incapable of guaranteeing you they won't retaliate.
I merely gave you legal advice.
You are free to do with it what you wish.

If I were you, I'd stop rattling the cages of those apes, and I would never pull on the head ape's tail.

Sometimes, you have to let things go.

This isn't a battle I would fight, until I'm ready to quit.

Jim Croce said it best in an old 20th century song:

You Don't Mess Around With Jim

And they say
You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim

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