Sinkhole Issue..... Please Help

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New Member
Hi, I am the current renter to a property in the Tampa Bay Area, Florida. I rented my home in November to come to find out that there are more problems, legal and physically with the home that me and my family are renting.

We rented the home in November with a man that posed as the owner/landlord, come to find out months later threw a letter in the mail (Feb 9, 14) that he was NEVER the landlord or owner that he was a agent to the company that was in charge of renting out their units. He took rent money from us from November-February including deposits etc and stole them, never sending them to the proper owning company. We have receipts that we had to prove in order to stop an eviction.
We thought the problem was ending there....
In late February we were noticing a lot of issues with the house that was making me very uneasy about staying there. It literally felt like the house was shifting. I AGAIN brought up my issues now with the maintaince man who agreed that something was wrong and that he would bring it to the owners attention... After 3 days of no answers I started investigating myself to come across the shock of my life....
The house has a reported sinkhole in the back right part of the property and up against the back of my home. It was reported and I quote " Insurance paid out on sink hole due to settlement on right side of house. Sellers chose not to repair" this was in Feb of 2013.. They knew that the house had an issue and it was never inspected according to the city officials office, and still rented it to a family with small animals and toddlers, a pregnant woman and a disabled man..
I am to the point that I have contacted a few authorties and they suggested that I write a formal letter to the owner demanding compensation to move out of the dwelling that we all fell unsafe and scared for our lives. About a year ago a man was sucked up into his home while sleeping in bed and died in the hole and was left there.. This is a very scary situation that I cant even let my dogs nor children out to play in fear that something might happen..
There is atleast a 4-6 inch difference in the walls now in the right side of my home. I mean you can drop a marble on the floor and it will roll to one side no problem...

Can you please give me some ideas of what I can do, the owner stated threw the maintaince man that the only thing he is "willing" to do is relocate us about a hour from our home to a high poverty area that is inconvient to our family as I moved to this area to take care of my sick mother. And I feel that I should not have to be moved out of the area I want to be in OR to another one of their homes when i dont trust them...
Do I have any legal leg to stand on to take this to court or call the news or anything?? PLEASE HELP!!!
It sounds like you have a very good, and a well documented argument to make. The landlord has the option to either repair the property or release you from the lease. Your quickest solution is likely to move out rather than to wait on a very intrusive repair. The house may have to be vacated anyway.
Call the inspector over to check out the problem. Maybe they will condemn the house. Otherwise, follow the procedure in your lease for reporting problems.
You certainly do not have to move an hour away. When it comes time just pack up and move somewhere that is convenient.
A quick consult with a local attorney can steer you in the right direction to make sure you terminate the lease properly. I'm not sure about your deposits since the landlord did not actually collect them... that is a different issue.
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