sister retains custody of children but has not lived with them in at least 4 years.

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my sister has 2 children under 17,retains custody of one but i have guardianship of the other,my sisters ex-husband is threatening to contact a lawyer because i claimed the child on my taxes for the 4 months she has lived with me.He has almost no contact with her and my sister is a felon who has been kicked out of alost every place she has lived including public housing .the other child lives with my mother.should i be worried,they only time they complain is when it concerns money.i pay for everything this child needs and she uses her child support payment for any extras she may want.i do not ask her parents for any re-embursement for anything
yes and i did not qualify for any tax credits,i didn't expect to other than for my own child.the child only lived with me for four months in 2010,she still lives with me and is old enough to go in front of a judge and make that decision on her own.
Then you really didn't have the right to claim the child on your taxes since the child did not live with you for half the year.

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according to h&r block i do have that right, i simply did not qualify for any credits for her.the point is neither of the 2 children live with either parent and haven't lived with either of them since 2007, but the father claimed them on his taxes as if they did and the mother let him.
You would be wise to seek a legal opinion on this matter.
A tax filing service doesn't have the ability to offer legal opinions.
You couldn't hurt yourself by speaking to an attorney.
The father could cause you some serious legal problems.
Don't allow that to happen.
Seek a legal opinion.
After all, I'm sure you've heard the saying: No good deed goes unpunished.
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