Skiptracing using Facebook

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New Member
A homeowner has moved, yet still owns property within our community. While skiptracing for delinquent homeowner association dues I came across both a Facebook page and another single's website page for the owner/debtor.

On both I posted a blog on behalf of the HOA that we have not had a response to our mailed notices and invoices. I stated the amount due, the consequences of not paying, and requested immediate payment.

Since everything mentioned is true, I believe no legal harm has been done.

I just want to insure there are no other legal violation(s) that I may be unaware of. Afterall, all the person's friends and perhaps the world will know that the debt is unpaid.
I think you should be ok, I mean, after all don't debt collectors call everyone under the sun that they think might be in any way related to the person with the debt? Also, there was a case in Australia where the judge allowed legal documents to be served using facebook. If you haven't already, look up the term "facebait"
Yes, I saw the Australia case. Yet the U.S. isn't always as liberal. I was fairly certain I could legally use this avenue, but I didn't want any quirky law to popup. Thanks.
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