Slander continued after termination

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New Member
I was put on suspension on May 21, 2004, for improper reports. These are medical reports and they are all handwritten, yet the two in question were not in my handwriting and I have no recollection of them. The incident concerning the reports occurred in November of 2003, they were never address until May 2004. I work for a County EMS service in a small town in Texas. The Paramedics are paid through a sales tax, the business part of the service is managed by a board of Volunteers. I have received repeated complaints from one particular board member of whom I used to be friends with. When this volunteer member was placed on the board as treasure, her attitude changed and she went from being my friend to acting like she was my boss. Her complaints were investigated and found to be unsupported. She kept on until she come up with something she could take to my Medical Director and get me put on suspension. I have worked for this co. 2 years with no previous disciplinary action are complaint. She has gone around town and told business owners not to let me patronize their shops because I would cause them trouble. She also told my coworkers that no one wanted me in the EMS. They are willing to come forward as witnesses. I spoke to my Medical Director and he found no wrong doing on my part and said I should be put back on the schedule, but I have not heard from any of the board members. I believe I was unfairly dismissed as well as slandered, which continues.
This co-worker/board member making complaints (even if unfounded) about you to agency management is NOT slander. However going about town and informing merchants not to let you patronize their shops may be. (Are you sure that isn't just an incredibly blown-out-of-proportion rumor?)

You need to consult with an attorney to find out whether you have a the basis for a suit for slander as it will be entirely fact-specific. Being unfairly dismissed is not unlawful however.
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