Slander, Defamation, what?

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I was recently the recipient of an email that came from a friends email address but he didn't send it. His baby momma stole his information and changed all his email information. The letter that she sent stated that she was him and it was a 5 page document speaking as if it was him talking and saying that "I am a deadbeat dad, and I don't take care of my son, and etc." She also included a picture of the baby. She also has created false records of him on personal ads like and are claiming the profiles to be him. I know that he can get her for ID Theft. But how can he get her for defaming him or slandering him. He is filing a police report on her for these actions. She is upset that he is taking her to court for custody of their child that she won't allow him to see. Please advise on how he can proceed with the accusation.

also he has taken time from work to try to resolve this issue. Is there anything else that he can sue her for like loss of wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish because he has started counseling because of this issue.
It is unlikely he has any tort cause of action. It is very hard to prove the source of an email.
He needs to take all the info to the attorney helping him with the custody action.
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