Slander/Defimation of Character

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I recently left a company that I had been with for 4 years on my free will, I moved to another company that offered better pay, benefits, hours, etc.

The office manager at my previous employer was not happy with my leaving, I did respectfully give a 2 week notice and trained my replacement. I left on good terms with the company owner and fellow co-workers.

Since I have left in April of 2006, word is still getting to me about how the office manager is talking about me to vendors, co-workers. At first I thought it was just gossip, but when I have even outside vendors telling me what she has been saying it is very upsetting.

Can she continue to slander me in this way; what can I do to stop her? This has been going on for 5 months now.
I recently left a company that I had been with for 4 years on my free will, I moved to another company that offered better pay, benefits, hours, etc.

The office manager at my previous employer was not happy with my leaving, I did respectfully give a 2 week notice and trained my replacement. I left on good terms with the company owner and fellow co-workers.

Since I have left in April of 2006, word is still getting to me about how the office manager is talking about me to vendors, co-workers. At first I thought it was just gossip, but when I have even outside vendors telling me what she has been saying it is very upsetting.

Can she continue to slander me in this way; what can I do to stop her? This has been going on for 5 months now.
I'm sorry to hear about what is happening. It's not surprising but you should feel better that most who air out their laundry like this manager is doing usually make themselves look much worse. Think they don't realize what is going on? You left the company and now there is resentment?

Unless you can tell us more about what is going on specifically, it's difficult to say whether you can take action for defamation or potentially another cause of action, e.g. the illegal interference of contracts, to name one of potentially many.
To be more specific, she (being previous office manager with my former company) is saying/showing to former business associates, co workers, suppliers, etc. my personel file, how bad of an associate I was. I was NEVER written up for anything, I had an impeccible attendance record, and also received numerous letters of thanks and recommendations from our outside customers.
When it gets back to me that I am an F------ Bit--, a waste of time, glad she does not have to deal with me any longer, and many other vicious comment it is number 1-very hurtful, 2-disruptive.
I am not sure what your definition is of slander/def. of character but this woman does not have to like you nor does she have to speak highly of you. She is free to voice her opinion on you. Until you can prove a financial loss and damages, there probably is not much you can do.

So if anyone wants to tell you what she is saying, let them know that you are not in the least bit interested in hearing what this woman i saying about you and move on with your life.
Write a certified letter to the company (preferably HR) that this employee is using your personnel file to defame you and may have removed the items you metioned such as letters of appreciation, recommendations, etc... which is illegal. It is also illegal for her to be showing your file to anyone not directly related to the maintenance and upkeeping of the file, with the exceptions of HR of that office; HR would authorize those with a need to look at the file. They may not be aware she is doing this. Document what she allegedly has said and get notorized letters that she has shown the files to other people directly from the people who have seen the file sending them (HR) copies and request the company to direct her to stop immediately in these practices against you. If the company doesn't have an HR department send it to whoever runs the company (company president) and cc in her direct supervisor as well. You may not be able to sue BUT this is about getting this person to stop maligning you and I hope my suggestions help.
From Wikipedia: (Just a very short excerpt)
In law, defamation is a right of action for communicating statements that may harm an individual's reputation or character...
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