Slander?? Harrassment?

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New Member
I was employed by this one company and resigned giving my two week notice. I called one night to get a phone number for a person who works there and just being myself, started talking in a funny voice to a co worker that worked there. She thought I called her to harrass her, so she called the asst manager and told her. The next morning I went into the store to buy something and was approached my the asst manager and was told that I was banned from the store! She stated that i was harrassing an employee which if talking in a funny voice is considered harrassment then I guess I am guilty. So, the next day the asst manager went down to my other place of employement and tryed to get me in trouble there because of what I did. I also applied for another part time position with another company and was told that the asst manager from the place i resigned from came into the store for no reason and told the manager they shouldnt hire me! So, now i might not get this job because of what this asst manager is doing. Is this considered slander or harrassment? What can I do?? if anything?? If anyone can help please respond! Thanks.
This is neither slander nor harassment. The place where you are applying for employment is under no obligation to pay any attention to the assistant manager; they also have no obligation to hire you.
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