Slander in the educational workplace

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in April of this year, a fellow teacher at a rural Alaska school where I teach told my principal a number of falsehoods about me which led to my being given the choice of resigning or being non-retained. It has cost me an enormous amount of emotional trouble, and will eventually cost me the difference between my salary here and wherever I end up teaching. The district I am in has the highest teacher salaries in the state. What are my options? Can I sue for slander? Can I go after my principal (who is the person who, without investigating the claims against me, gave me the above choice)? I want to go after these people!!
Slander ineducational workplace

Well I am in Colorado and having the same problem with false statements. I called risk management for the district and have a meeting with these persons tomorrow. I am only a para and don't think I have as many rights as you would..But I think you have to fight it. It is no fun..I am so upset I can't sleep. But I will fight this no matter what. They just gave me a bad evaluation to get ride of me............. I will pray things work out for you!
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