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We own a business and employed a gentleman that has since went to work for our competition. I have several potenial customers to come in and tell us that the ex-employee has been telling them not to get quotes from our business because we have changed our business name several times, our employees are on drugs, we don't do quality work and he's the reason we are in business. None of these statements are true. I have actually lost customers to this competitor due to the statements? Do I have any recourse in getting this stopped?

Thanks in advance!
If you can get from your lost customers an affidavit saying that what he said is the reason why they no longer do busines with you, then yes. Before that, you should lawyer up and have your lawyer send him a cease and desist letter so he knows that you truly mean business. Hope this helps!
Is it illegal to record this on tape without them knowing it's being recorded and will it stand up in court?
It depends on the state you are in. Google which states taping is allowed.
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