Slandor after quitting

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New Member
About a month ago I quit my job after being accused of favoritism and being too close to a few of my employees. When I was interviewed by Human Resources and my manager, I was told that the investigation was confidential and if anyone discussed the situation, it could lead to termination. The long hours and stress of the situation led me to the decision to leave the company.

The part that bothered me at the time was that I was separated from my spouse due to abuse and I shared this information with a few of my employees who could see the obvious distress that my home life and working 12-14 hours a day 6-7 days a week was causing me. During the investigation I shared with HR and my Manager the abuse information and was told I NEEDED to share that info with them, not my employees. In addition to this, I was asked to share what I knew about the marital status of 3 of my employees. When I told them I was not comfortable revealing information that was shared with me in confidence, I was told I had to or I was in violation of the code of conduct and could be fired.

I called my employer later that day and informed HR and my Manager together that I was quitting and I was asked several times if I was sure and if I would reconsider. I said no and left the company.

Over the last several weeks, I have been told by former employees and peers that managers were making allegations that I was showing up to work drunk and having multiple affairs. All of which are untrue.

The most concerning information came from a close peer of mine last night. She called me to inform me that she was at a dinner with one of the firms our company uses when a first line manager asked a member of upper management about me. The upper manager made some comments that were not only untrue and very hurtful. He said that there was "No option for her but to quit and try and save what little bit of a reputation I had left or be fired!", "There will be no litigation from her unless she wants to be really embarrassed, her life is more entertaining than reality tv!". Apparently he went on and on in front of 4 managers and some attorneys at the dinner.

The manager that was talking about this freely was not my manager and actually works in another state. My concern is that he knows about the allegations that were made (that I was told were confidential) and is sharing information that is inflammatory and untrue. In addition to this, 2 of the other people that he was referring to still work there.

Is there anything I can or should do to stop this from happening again. I already called the code of conduct line several weeks ago with this concern and it seems to be getting worse rather than better.
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