Negligence, Other Injury Slip and Fall @ major supermarket chain.

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I had a slip and fall back in the beginning of this year at a major supermarket. Someone neglected to clean up a huge puddle of water in the produce section and I slipped and injured my knee. No one asked if I was okay or cared to clean up the mess even though there were witnesses that were employees. I had to be carried out by my boyfriend because the pain was so bad. I filed a compliant and the insurance company said it was the company who cleans there floors fault. I immediately went to the emergency room after the accident because the swelling was so bad. I was told after xrays that it most likely cartilge damage. I called a lawyer. They werent the best at keeping in touch returning phone calls after initially seeming interested. I went to my initial doctor appointment immediately following my injury. I received a referral from my primary care physician to see an orthopedic surgeon. This injury had put me on crutches and an knee immobilizer. I couldnt get around or do anything for myself,( I have 2 small children). It became difficult to keep appointments because I couldnt get to them. Then my health insurance got cancelled and I got evicted from my apartment because I couldnt work. I resumed treatment last month when I was able to get medical insurance again. The orthopedic surgeon said that my knee cap is dislocated and that he believes its due to torn cartilege and misplaced muscle due to my injury. The Orthpedic surgeon sent me to pysical therapy until after my baby's born to deal with pain, ( Im pregnant). He wants me to come back in march of 2009 for a special knee cap xray and an MRI. The paralegal called me and said that since there is a gap in treatment that the supermarkets insurance might not want to pay for the treatment because the injury could have happened some other time. Is this true? How should I handle the situation?
I did and that what I was asking about in the last few sentences. The paralegal said that the insurance company might not want to pay for the medical bills due to gap in treatment when I didnt have any insurance and was practically homeless.
Insurance companys dont want to pay @ all in any circumstance-- they (your attorney) need to fight it because you had no $$ to see the doctor etc..
I explained it to her. She's kind of rude. She said " she knows, but they might not want to pay." She told me to let her know when I was done with my treatment. Thanks for advice so far.
You should have replied " Yeah I know they might not pay this is why I have hired you folks"-- Maybe you need to consult with someone else
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