Small Claims for Deposit

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New Member
Location: Washington State

I rented an apartment with my boyfriend, my Boyfirned moved out 8 months into the Month-to-Month lease, we gave notice to the LL and requested that he be removed fromt he lease. I continued renting the apartment for another 11 months. So I lived at the apartment for 19 months.

My LL did not give notice for retaining my deposit within 14 days and I notified them that I would be expecting a full refund of my $500 deposit. After much fighting as to the amount of my deposit for which the LL requested I provide a copy of my lease and a copy of the check I wrote. The LL finally said they would send me a check.

I recieved the check and a letter. The check was only for $250 not the full $500. The LL said in the letter this was becuase my Ex-boyfriend was on the lease so they were only giving 50% and considered that my portion of the deposit. However, they have not contacted or sent a check to my ex-bf doe what they said was his portion of the deposit.

The Check for the deposit was in my name and my ex-bf never put any money toward the deposit and only occationally contributed to the rent. But since he did live with me he needed to be on the lease. All rent checks were in my name not in his. Plus my LL was notified to take my ex-bf off the lease as he was no longer living there and had moved out. I cannot prove that my ex-bf had no contributions to the deposit or rent, the breakup got messy and he would be unwilling to testify on my behalf.

I can prove that the renting of the apartment was based on my credit and my income. My ex-bf did not have to provide a credit check or proof of income, I provided both to the LL.

So my questions are:
1. Can the LL split the deposit between the tenants like this?
2. Should I take them to Small Claims?
3. If I do take them to Small Claims do I sue for double the deposit per RCW 59.18.310, or do I only ask for the full amount of the deposit and if the court sees fit they will award me double the deposit?
Yes, although in most cases one check is sent and it's left up to the former tenants to battle out who gets what.

Personally, I'd ask management to send proof that the ex-boyfriend was sent his share of the deposit. I'm not sure I'd believe anything that the ex-boyfriend said.

If half the deposit was sent to him, he's the one you should consider suing, not management.

This doesn't preclude you for considering a lawsuit against management for not sending your share of the deposit within the 14 day time period requirement. If you chose to do this, it would make sense to ask for double the amount:


I do know for a fact that the LL is not intending to send any money to my ex. The LL feels that she is entitled to what she considers "his portion of the deposit" because he caused some smoke damage, for which I paid their $1000 deductible. The insurance cleaned and replace all the blinds. So no money came out of their pockets for the damage.
Your landlord may be on the hook for penalties on top of the deposit. Since the $250 portion was not even received withing the allotted time, you can probably still seek double damages for the full $500... meaning you may still be owed $750, or can ask for it anyway.
You have a very good argument to make, and the landlord has nothing.
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