Small claims judgement collection

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New Member
I have a small claims judgement against someone and I'm having trouble collecting. I paid a process server serve her at her house. How can I force her to pay the judgement without using an attorney? This case is in Nassau county; the judgement is from 2006.
I have a small claims judgement against someone and I'm having trouble collecting. I paid a process server serve her at her house. How can I force her to pay the judgement without using an attorney? This case is in Nassau county; the judgement is from 2006.

You can't, and neither can the court.

The dirty little secret of small claims cases is that you pay money and end up with useless pieces of paper.

But, you never collect your money!!!!!

And, if the judgment isn't for a significant amount ($20,000 or more), no lawyer or debt collector will do it, either!

Small claims courts, another American "con game"!
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