Small Claims lending money with proof of loan

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New Member
Hello. I lent my ex girlfriend $930 over a period of a few months to pay her bills. I paid her bills with credit card and also wrote her out checks to deposit into her account. We broke up a month ago and have text messages of her admitting to owe me money. And just today she said she didnt owe me anything and said i never lent her money in a text message as well. I am in FL. What are my chances in small claims court?
If you have proof of loan your chances of winning are excellent. However your chances of collecting are very very low
Your chances are virtually non-existent.
Your payment of her bills will be viewed as a gift without some kind of written promise of repayment.
$930 is not that much money in the grand scheme of things. Let it go and be smarter with your money in the future.
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