It's worth noting that "army judge's" prior response seems to have overlooked that there is already a judgment against you. It appears (to me at least) that you have been called into court for a
judgment debtor exam. Evidence regarding the prior garnishment isn't going to be particularly useful in that context.
Yes, there is already a judgement against me that was even shows (balance $0.00) on the summons. But this is filed asking for another fee of $91 and post judgement interest (which there were fees and interest added to the amount garnished and satisfied)
"They" are simply trying to collect a debt. If the judgment was entered in 2003, it may or may not still be enforceable. According to a quick and cursory search, judgments in Indiana are enforceable for ten years, but they can be renewed for additional time. A judgment entered in 2003 obviously would expire in 2013 unless renewed. Why the creditor is going to this kind of effort over a few hundred dollars is anyone's guess. However, it might be a good idea for you to check the court file to see if the judgment against you was renewed.
The judgement was on 2003 and was satisfied in 2009.
The court does not "let [people] file" things or not. Rather, people file things, and then the court acts on them in whatever way is appropriate. And yes, lots of lawyers have P.O. Boxes.
Not here in Indiana. After researching I learned, this particular attorney acting on behalf of MedShield, bulk files thousands of cases in one small claims court that is not where the medical contracts were enforced nor in the county where the person lives. This particular township court is very difficult to reach by bus and those with financial difficulties usually cannot make the court date. In addition, it was found that in 99% of these cases, the judge isn't even in on those dates and the attorney would take people into a room and try to get them to sign contracts of repayment adding in $400+ attorney fee.....even those who did show up in front of a judge (at a later time) were not allowed to speak for themselves. There was an investigation done over this attorney, medshield and this particular court which spurred an Indiana Supreme Court investigation that found forum shopping. Something was going on between the court and judges and this particular attorney regarding millions of dollars. That was throught to have been remedied in 2013-2014 and now he is back at it again.
I paid the bill, fees etc via garnishment. I still do not understand why I am being asked to come back. I have contacted those who have already done the investigations on this and am receiving assistance.
What good will that do you in your case?