Small Claims?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: North Carolina

I had a premise liability case in Savannah.
Fell down some steps and broke my wrist. 12 weeks in a cast, had to have surgery. There was no light in the stairway. The owner changed it before the Insurance adjuster came to check out the scene where the accident happened. The GA law found the owner not liable and claimed it was an accident. My out of pocket expenses amounted to $2500. The Insurance company says the max on the med pay for the homeowners policy is $500. My residence is in NC, the accident happened in GA and the owner's domicile is in FL. Do I have a case to take this Small Claims to collect the other $2000.00?
And if so, would it be in FL or GA?
Will I need an attorney to do this for me?

Thanks to anyone out there that can direct me correctly to collect this.
You say the GA law found the owner not liable - what do you mean by that? Has this already gone to court?
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