So why all the changes in the forums?

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
I know that many of you enjoy the "at a glance" ability of the forums to show you quickly whether a forum has new posts. It also occurred to me that, despite the fact that the forums look very clean and precise with a fewer number of forums, many first time users here are confused where to look - even though it may seem obvious to us.

As a result, I've done my best to try to retain a very clean and compact look for the forums while also adding more categories for specificity and very brief explanations. In this way, users can find what they are looking for without having to scroll endlessly down the page.

I'm also including the "open and close" indicators for all of our forums. This means that if you're interested in viewing only your favorite topics, e.g. Family Law and Immigration Law, you'll be able to collapse all the other forums except for their headers and just view the Family and Immigration Law forums.

If you have any comments, suggestions, etc. please provide them. As you know, I'm always glad to take them!

I'm hoping that most of this massive cleanup will be done by Tuesday morning. Right now it appears we are on schedule to get there. As always, thank you for your support!
We appreciate all the work you put into making the forum user friendly. One person handling can be a daunting task I'm sure.
Ditto what disagreeable said.
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