Software, two companies, labor board, threats, lawsuit, help?

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I worked for a large company who bought a cad software and allowed its engineers and drafters to use the software at home to get familiar with it. They supplied the cd copies. I used it at home and eventually got a part-time job at a small business where I also used the software. I evenyually quit the large company and worked full time for the small business. The owner was aware that the cad software I used was a free distribution software from the large company. At no time did he request to see the permissions or rights. I never signed any restrictions. The owner decided to rob me of overtime and I quit. the owner kept my cd's of the cad software. I made a report to the CA Labor board and have a conference set next week. I got rehired at the large company after I quit the small business

I had expected the owner to mail me a check to avoid penalties, but he is going to fight it. I know this as I emailed a mutal aquaintance of ours who said he had a message for me from the owner: If I show up at the conference, he is going to make my life a living hell for the rest of my life.

The owner told this aquaintance that he will notify my employer and tell them I stole their cd's and that I am pirating the software. He said he will take me to court to sue me for the cost it takes to re-do all of his blueprints (about 200) and the cost of hiring someone to clean his computer of the illegal software. He also said he found a blueprint from the large company in my old notes he took from me. He said he will call the large company and tell them I stole their blueprints. The aquaintance had a piece of paper with the small business owners handwritting that had jail time and fines of thousands of dollars that he will make sure I pay. He said intends to get me fired from the large company, jailed, and then broke.

The aquaintance said it may be possible for me to call the small business owner and try to work out an arrangement before the hearing.

What does anyone suggest my steps of action are? What does anyone suspect will happen to me?
The software was not a "free distribution" The company BOUGHT the cad software and allowed you to use it at home. By using it at the small company without the large company's permission and without the small company buying the software you did in effect steal it and use it illegally. Same with the blueprints if you didn't have permission to take them or make a copy. I have no idea what will happen to you but it sounds as if you will be in for trouble if the small business employer reports your actions.
The owner of the small business worked in the same small office with me. It was him who asked me to load the software I mentioned I had so I could make the prints in the shop instead of at home.

By him threatening me by saying he will sue me for using the software is also putting him in trouble then. As the business owner it is his responsibility to acquire a license or purchase the software for his employee. Since he was a small business owner, three employees, with only one using the software to make under 100 prints, and the large company who owns the software will not take deciplinary actions against the employee they re-hired, I don't think the software company will seek damages.
He may have thought the software belonged to you...but it did not. It was not a free distribution and if you told him it was and then he asked you to load it then the responsibility is still on you. Sorry... Also you are saying absolutely the larger company will not discipline you? Then may be the small company is just making idle threats.
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I told him it was a cd from the large company made available to engineers and drafters. They had a network license which allowed them to have as many copies as licenses. I was given the serial number to use to load this cd. No one ever used the cd but me.

" " grants to you a nonexclusive nontransferable license to use the software and the printed and/or electronic user documentation accompanying the software in accordance with this agreement.
If you have a network license version of the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use in the country in which it is licensed as you have licenses.
"Each licensor is a third party beneficiary of the agreement. You obtain only such rights as are specifically provided in the agreement. You may copy the software into any machine-readable form for backup purposes and within the license restrictions of article one. You may not remove from the software or documentation any copyright or other proprietary rights notice or any disclaimer, and you shall reproduce on all copies of the software made in accordance with this agreement, all such notices and disclaimers.

I have informed the large company since it is again my employer and was told it would be up to the software company. I am thinking maybe I should make a police report since the small business will not return my cd or the cd. Do you suggest I do that and do you suggest I contact the maker of the software and tell them since a threat was made?
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