I had a car for sale on craigslist. The car needed work and I put it in the ad as is. A guy came took a look at it and drove it. He made me an offer and paid me cash for it. I gave him the signed title but the problem was that the guy needed to do a repair on the car in order to drive it off my driveway. So what happened the guy came a week later with dealer plates and took the car to a shop and did the repair. Now the problem is the car didn't have airbags and he's complaining to me that I didn't put that on the ad. He wants me to refund him 200 dollars for the air bags because I didn't mention it on the ad. So he is saying that I if I don't refund him the 200 he's going to sue for a full refund which would be 800 dollars because he said he hasn't taken the car from my driveway and has a case. So I need advice on what to do. I put on the ad as is and he came and saw it and drove it need to know what direction to take this.