Sold car on craigslist


New Member
Sold a car on 9-9-17, sold it as is, we both have a bill of sale stating so, i named every problem i knew about, i let the guy inspect it further at his work, i told him specifically it needed a timing belt tensioner, i gave him the part, and now he's threatening me with small claims court... What should i do next?
What should i do next?

Why would you do anything?

The buyer is threatening you with what appears (based solely on what you told us) to be a frivolous lawsuit. Feel free to tell him to engage in self-copulation if you want but otherwise ignore him and go about your life.

If he actually follows through on his threat, then you file an answer (if that's required in Massachusetts) and/or show up in court with your evidence and defend yourself.

So what your saying is i should be safe even if i do goto court?

We obviously have no independent knowledge about your situation. You have basically told us that the buyer's claim is frivolous, and we have no basis to think otherwise.
Used cars sold by private parties are usually sold as is.


Also, the "as is" rule does not apply if the seller intentionally or negligently makes a false representation of material fact (of makes a true statement of material fact which is misleading in the absence of additional information not disclosed) on which the buyer relies to his/her detriment.

Also, the "as is" rule does not apply if the seller intentionally or negligently makes a false representation of material fact (of makes a true statement of material fact which is misleading in the absence of additional information not disclosed) on which the buyer relies to his/her detriment.
I told him all of what i know was wrong with the car, what he did after the 5 days of owning it, nobody knows what couldve been done

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