Sold my car with my own bill of sale and new owner never register. Now its in towing company


New Member
Okay so my brother sold me his car and took his insurance off. But since i never was able to get my licence due to high prices of insurance ect. I sold the car. I did my own bill of sale including date it was sold with the cars vin number and my name as seller and the guy who bought as the valler. So 2 months pass and my brother got a letter from a towing company stated that he owe X a number of money since he was the registered owner. The new owner never chang or register the vehicle. So i need help on what to do next. This happen in the state of florida
Did you title the car in your own name before you sold it?

I'm guessing no, which means you sold the car illegally (it's called "title jumping") and your brother is still the owner as far as the towing company is concerned.

Did you keep a copy of the bill of sale? Was it signed by the buyer?

Did you notify the DMV that you sold the vehicle?
I'm guessing that's a no, too.

Sorry, but unless your brother can convince the the towing company that he's no longer the owner of the car, he's on the hook for the money. I have no idea how you would fix this.
Your brother can respond to the tow company that he sold the vehicle as of xx date. He can aso notify the state DMV that he sold the vehicle. There is probably an online process to do that. That's about all that can be done at this point.
Your brother can respond to the tow company that he sold the vehicle as of xx date. He can aso notify the state DMV that he sold the vehicle. There is probably an online process to do that. That's about all that can be done at this point.
Your brother can respond to the tow company that he sold the vehicle as of xx date. He can aso notify the state DMV that he sold the vehicle. There is probably an online process to do that. That's about all that can be done at this point.
Thanks. Have done that and the towing company still said that since the vehicle is still register under his name all cost is towards him still. That we should had turned in the bill of sale to the tax collector office once sold to avoid situations like this. Now we clearly know for next time but still want to know if theres a way to not have to pay for the cost. Towing company said that once the 30 day pasts the owner would have a lien on him. The lien is much less and wouldnt change no matter what he said. So im just going to wait for the lien to become active to pay for that. Ugghhh.. Lesson learned
Well the towing company can put a lien on the car. But you nor your brother really care because it doesn't belong to either of you anyway. Whoever you sold it to will have to straighten it out by going to the DMV and paying the taxes and fees to transfer the vehicle into his name. Then he buy it back from the tow company. At some point they will sell it.
Yes we dont care about the car. If it was worth more than we would have gotten it out. The towing company said that he will be a lien on my brother which means that he wont be able to do anything with the tax collectors office like renew his sticker untill the kien is taken care of. So means that i still have to pay for that lien no matter what. What a waste of money.

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