Sold used car to a minor with fake id


New Member
Hai recently I sold my car for guy but when the sale was happening I was in other state and my friend did the sale I live Connecticut car registration was also from Connecticut but guy who bought the car was from Massachusetts. After 2 weeks the guy who bought the car said the car was in terrible condition and I want to return it and he said by lemon law from Massachusetts you need to give warranty for 30 days.After that I read about lemon as I live in Connecticut according to ct lemon law private seller doesn't need to provide warranty to a car which 7 years or older,if the car was priced less than 3000$ and the transaction was cash transaction qualifies all the 3 exclusions to provide warranty and I have explained the law to him.Then he again told me he was a minor and selling car to minor is illegal but he told he was 18 while buying the car and showed some Id for my friend maybe I think it was fake ID. Now was filing case against me what should I do.i don't have any proof to show the judge that he showed me a fake Id .
Thank you
Can you try rewriting that in English?

A minor can own and register a car in Connecticut.

Thank you so much sir.just please answer this one too it he is from Massachusetts will that be a problem if I have to attend small court will it be in CT or MA
Now was filing case against me

What does that mean?

Have you been served a summons and complaint?

i don't have any proof to show the judge that he showed me a fake Id .

Ultimately, you get your friend into court to testify.

A minor might not be allowed to disavow his purchase if he committed fraud.

if I have to attend small court will it be in CT or MA


If you were served a summons and complaint you should know which court you have to appear in because it is right there on the paperwork. Which court did the paperwork come from?

You won't have to attend court. Forget about this.

No, No, No.

If USM1444 was served a summons and complaint, there's no forgetting about this. Ditching court and forgetting about it leads to a default judgment and lots of unpleasantness thereafter.
Thank you

Thank you so much sir.just please answer this one too it he is from Massachusetts will that be a problem if I have to attend small court will it be in CT or MA

If he sues you in small claims it has to be in the county where you reside in CT.

But, you didn't sell anyone the car.

You got some mope to do it for you.

That is your defense.

Some mope you know took upon himself to sell your car.

If the mope gave you cash, all you need to say is, "I didn't sell this person a car. An ex-friend of mine sold him the car. How do I know? The mope told me so, when he flashed the cash from the sale."

Also consider this, mate.

A minor can't file a case in small claims.

His mother or father would have to file the case in the county and state where you live.

He can't even serve you in CT with a MA summons, unless you like doing lots of stupid stuff.

Don't pick up or sign for any registered or certified letters or packages.
That'll be a trap, mate.
But, you didn't sell anyone the car.
You got some mope to do it for you.
That is your defense.
Some mope you know took upon himself to sell your car.
If the mope gave you cash, all you need to say is, "I didn't sell this person a car. An ex-friend of mine sold him the car. How do I know? The mope told me so, when he flashed the cash from the sale."

Two words:

Respondeat Superior.
If he sues you in small claims it has to be in the county where you reside in CT.

But, you didn't sell anyone the car.

You got some mope to do it for you.

That is your defense.

Some mope you know took upon himself to sell your car.

If the mope gave you cash, all you need to say is, "I didn't sell this person a car. An ex-friend of mine sold him the car. How do I know? The mope told me so, when he flashed the cash from the sale."

Also consider this, mate.

A minor can't file a case in small claims.

His mother or father would have to file the case in the county and state where you live.

He can't even serve you in CT with a MA summons, unless you like doing lots of stupid stuff.

Don't pick up or sign for any registered or certified letters or packages.
That'll be a trap, mate.
sir what do you mean by doing lots of stupid stuff.Is it about my past record or something stupid about this case.
sir what do you mean by doing lots of stupid stuff.Is it about my past record or something stupid about this case.

No, just be more careful about everything you do.

In other words, don't do stupid stuff.

Think before you act.

Careful, steady as she goes.

If English isn't your mother (as in in native language) it might mean nothing to you, so ignore it.

If you have to ask, you didn't understand.
No, just be more careful about everything you do.

In other words, don't do stupid stuff.

Think before you act.

Careful, steady as she goes.

If English isn't your mother (as in in native language) it might mean nothing to you, so ignore it.

If you have to ask, you didn't understand.

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