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New Member
I got a citation for solicitaion a prostitute and I'm unsure of what to do. First off, my record is completely clean, I'm a college student and in the military if that helps. I've contacted different law firms because I want to ensure that I do not make any mistakes early on. Anywho, is there any small possibility that the citation could be dismissed before the court date? What happened was that I was approach by a woman (I really don't think she was a cop) and offered a date. I hesistated at first, she got into my car before i could even respond and then agreed. There was no mentioning of money at all 'till after she entered. After telling me to drive her somewhere, she said twenty dollars, but did not specify for what. The police (two cars) arrived moments later. I was asked a few questions, more police officers arrived, and finally, I was given a citation and released. So is there any chance of getting it dismissed or at least changed into another thing such as disturbing the peace?
Q: So is there any chance of getting it dismissed or at least changed into another thing such as disturbing the peace?

A: Have your lawyer talk to the prosecutor.
You CAN'T we are going to keep reminding people of it for a CENTURY!

Or maybe the mods will see it and delete it. :)

Maybe you should tell us how it turned out?
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