Criminal Records, Expungement soliciting for prostitution

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New Member
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum and, as a first-time offender, am looking for much needed help/assistance in finding jobs in any state with Employers who are lenient with their hiring policy for misdemeanor offenders. Any advice and pointers are greatly appreciated.

I'm not proud at all of my criminal record and am so ashamed of myself for making the biggest mistake of my life which I'm now paying the price for especially in terms of jobseeking. I was arrested and released immideatly in 2007 for soliciting for prostitution , I was formally arraigned and I pleaded guilty.

Now I'm stuck having to disclose my criminal record on my job applications, and I have noticed how much it has seriously affected my ability to be hired by employers for jobs that I'm normally qualified for...or any job for that matter. I've been unemployed for over a year now. But I just made matters worse for myself now that I have a criminal record. I know of one instance where a company was ready to offer me a job, but I was ultimated denied based solely on my criminal record. Otherwise, I was perfectly qualified. And I've noticed since I've had to disclose my criminal record on applications, that I've pretty much gotten the standard, "Thanks but no thanks" follow-up.

Are there any resources or list of employers who will give someone like me (who is honestly remorseful of my mistake) a chance to work for them inspite of my criminal record? I really need to feel like a productive citizen again; getting a job and income will definitely help as well as boost my self-esteem and worth. Thanks in advance for any tips!
My son is in a similar situation with a felony conviction. It is rough enough for anyone presently looking for a job. Even those with graduate degrees and/or years of experience are having trouble locating a job. For you, you must work doubly hard to overcome your setback. Use every resource you can locate. As in every case, networking is the # one method of locating a position. Don't be embarrased of your offense and don't hide it. Be upfront.

With a strong resume you may be able to land an interview prior to completing the employment application. Do Not Lie on the application. At this stage you at least have a face to face chance to soften the "criminal past" and show your true quality points.

As in any interview, show what you can do for the company and not what the company can do for you (sounds familiar - JFK :>) ).

Don't give-up because some companies will be immediately put-off by your record. Keep trying. Be willing to accept just about any offer and realize that it may be a major step for your future. Once you have a job, any job, then you are in a much better position to think in terms of making future goals.

Good luck and keep your self esteem up!
I am almost in the same boat as you. I was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior and disorderly persons, but still in court for that and hoping that it will be dismissed or dropped.

At the same time, I am looking for a job every day and no luck yet. You can read my post if you want that I posted yesterday.

But it so impossible for me to get a job, as I am truthful on my applications of what is going on, they still give me a disgusted look and more likely turn me away.

How am I suppose to pay bills? I keep my head high and pray to God everyday for this to go away and ask him for his guidence. But at the same time, its hard for me to get a job.

Note: my picture and article is all over the internet so its really hard for me to get a job and I don't want to get on welfare or anything, all I want is a job.

I hope things will get better for you and I will pray for you as well. Ask God for guidence and help.
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