Solicitor fees


New Member
Hi there,
If possible I would like some advice on the following issue:
Solicitor was Enguaged for probate but upon finding the cost (high) alternates were sort and another option was found at 1/3 of the cost. The original solicitor made some phone and other tasks as per the attached document. Are all the costs valid or can they be disputed (I also not that 7day payment is their policy)
View attachment auploads.tapatalk_cdn.com_20161221_6e9b8fc8e6523ef0fe7862261ef4b501.png
I am located in Queensland, Australia if this is of relevance.

Thanks a lot for your advice
Hi there,
If possible I would like some advice on the following issue:
Solicitor was Enguaged for probate but upon finding the cost (high) alternates were sort and another option was found at 1/3 of the cost. The original solicitor made some phone and other tasks as per the attached document. Are all the costs valid or can they be disputed (I also not that 7day payment is their policy)
View attachment 1192
I am located in Queensland, Australia if this is of relevance.

Thanks a lot for your advice

It appears you had a legitimate attorney-client relationship.
You can't just breach your contract, without suffering some financial penalty, because the fee isn't to your liking.

I suggest you ask the second lawyer you engaged to replace the first lawyer after you discovered the first lawyer to be too pricey.

The first lawyer MIGHT choose to sue you, by the way if he did, his chances at success appear very high.
Reg14, the link doesn't work for me. Try again.

One thing about THAT solicitor, he/she charged for EVERYTHING, as in:
Thinking of you 2 minutes $2.22
Looked at your case file, not the case, just the manila folder 5 minutes $5.55
Here you go, not much to see, just a typical lawyer or any professional invoice:
But, I downloaded, saved, and uploaded it for you as a "jpg".
I uploaded it "inline".
Have a look-see, mate"
