Weapons, Guns, Firearms Some primates instantly repulse me.

army judge

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I have a visceral response when I see certain primates.
This primate fits that profile.
Other than being INSTANTLY repulsed, I wonder when, where, and how did the little boy or girl first go astray?


TEMPLE, TX — A man was arrested and charged after an investigation into a shooting in Temple on April 25.

According to the Bell County Sheriff's Department, deputies were dispatched to the 8000 block of Witter Lane in reference to a shooting.

One victim was injured. The shooting reportedly happened after an argument.

When deputies arrived, they located one male with a single gunshot wound.

The gunshot wound appeared to be entering and exiting on the right side.

The victim was breathing, conscious and alert. EMS transported him to Baylor Scott and White.

He was listed in stable condition and later released from the hospital.

An investigation into the shooting revealed a suspect who was identified as 23-year-old Chase Cope.

A criminal case was presented to the Bell County District Attorney's Office against Cope for a felony offense of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

The case was accepted by the DA's office and a warrant was issued by Bell County Justice of the Peace David Barfield.

On Saturday, the Bell County Sheriff's Department responded to a report of a stolen vehicle located and occupied on FM 1237.

Responding deputies located the vehicle abandoned in a field near Franklin Rd. and Road Rd. in Troy.

It was reported that two people fled from the vehicle.

Deputies located both people hiding in a nearby trailer. One of the individuals was identified as Cope, and the warrant was confirmed.

Cope was transported to the Bell County Jail without incident on the charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

His bond was set at $200,000.

Copyright 2019 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Sheriff: Man arrested, charged after investigation into shooting in Temple
I don't have to wonder. I know exactly when, where, and how my son went off the rails.

When you have one in your family it's not hard to figure out.

Is he that extreme?

There were a couple on my family tree, not issue mind you, but they were on the tree I pruned.

Even those two didn't resemble the thing depicted in the top post.

The loon didn't disfigure, err create his body art all in one day.
Fraid so.

He's managed to stay out of jail for the past 6 years but, at 49, his life has pretty much been in the toilet thanks to his earlier issues.

Contrary to popular belief, one stain is all it takes to cripple a person, a couple stains can stunt, retard; eventually atrophying the organism for life.

I've seen a few people overcome their past misdeeds, eventually straightening out their lives and becoming productive members of society.

One can always hope.

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