Someone (including a worker) recording me?


New Member
I have concerns I forgot to signal while changing lanes. How likely is it that someone (not a cop on duty) recorded me, shows me to traffic enforcement, and I'll be in trouble for it like a ticket? I was worried I was recorded by someone I don't get along with while he was working. But I doubt he'd do that since his job doesn't allow it.
I have concerns I forgot to signal while changing lanes. How likely is it that someone (not a cop on duty) recorded me, shows me to traffic enforcement, and I'll be in trouble for it like a ticket?

It isn't unlikely, it is IMPOSSOBLE.

If I were you, I'd just enjoy your life and FUGGEDABOUTIT!
. Do the same rules apply to worrying about someone recording me run a red light?

I doubt that the police would even look at, much less act upon a video brought forth claiming to show YOU violating some lousy traffic law.

If that is a worry for you, make sure you do as I do while driving, OBEY ALL OF THEIR laws ALL the time!

By OBEYING their laws, I haven't received a traffic or a parking citation in over 50 years!!!!

Think of it this way, mate, the President of the United States was Richard Nixon in 1971.
How likely is it that someone (not a cop on duty) recorded me, shows me to traffic enforcement, and I'll be in trouble for it like a ticket?

I disagree with Army Judge that it is impossible that you'd end up with a ticket if someone sent a recording of it to the police. It is possible, though I agree it is very unlikely, especially if you were in a town of any real size. The police in most places simply won't have the time or desire to chase you down for something like this. Maybe in a real small town where the cops spend most of their day just sitting around eating donuts and truly have nothing better to do they might decide to issue you the ticket just to have something to do. No sense worrying about something that is very unlikely to happen and that is out of your control anyway. And if you do get cited? It's just a fine. Pay it and move on. Hardly anything earth shattering here.
Check out the discussion down the street. OP is a self-appointed traffic nanny.

Someone (including a worker) recording me? |

OP wasn't the self-appointed traffic nanny in that thread; it was a different poster.

I disagree with Army Judge that it is impossible that you'd end up with a ticket if someone sent a recording of it to the police. It is possible, though I agree it is very unlikely, especially if you were in a town of any real size.

I agree, especially since OP is posting from CA.

I recall when I lived in LA, pre dash cams, hearing of people who were cited for traffic infractions (running a stop sign) based a complaint from another driver.

So, in OP's case, I would say that it depends on the temperament of the other driver(s), and whether they feel inclined to report what they saw. Some people are more "live and let live" than others.

Personally, I don't have the time. And that's considering that just today 1) driving to church someone nearly forced me off the road (they were in the passing lane, I was not, but there was a car in the passing lane going below the speed limit that they wanted to get around, ignoring the fact that my car was already in the right lane, and 2) driving home from church, I mused that "if you're not being tailgated, you're going too fast". Citiots...
I always obey ALL of their laws.

I have nothing to fear but some juiced up driver, inebriated driver, mentally incapacitated driver, distracted driver, inattentive driver, "coked" up driver, or a driver attempting to steer a mechanically defective vehicle down the roadway.

I haven't been in what some call California in over six years.

I have plans NEVER to return.

What happens in California is of no moment, matter, import, or concern to this Texan.
I have plans NEVER to return.

What happens in California is of no moment, matter, import, or concern to this Texan.

Fair enough.

However, because OP lives in California, quirky Californian laws are relevant to OP.

(Texas has its own quirks. But I quickly concluded when living there that letting on that Texas quirks were anything but universally accepted rules of practice was a bad idea.)
What happens in California is of no moment, matter, import, or concern to this Texan.

You may not realize it, but some what I like to call the People's Republic of California (PRC) does affects everyone in the country, Texans included. When the PRC adopts certain regulations for products regarding consumer safety or the environment, for example, manufacturers often then adopt that standard for all the products they sell in the country, not just in California. You then end up paying the higher cost of these goods thanks to the PRC's desire to regulate all manner of things.
You may not realize it, but some what I like to call the People's Republic of California (PRC) does affects everyone in the country, Texans included. When the PRC adopts certain regulations for products regarding consumer safety or the environment, for example, manufacturers often then adopt that standard for all the products they sell in the country, not just in California. You then end up paying the higher cost of these goods thanks to the PRC's desire to regulate all manner of things.

I don't care.
Whatever the subjects of CA do, whatever is done to them is none of my concern.
I have concerns I forgot to signal while changing lanes. How likely is it that someone (not a cop on duty) recorded me, shows me to traffic enforcement, and I'll be in trouble for it like a ticket? I was worried I was recorded by someone I don't get along with while he was working. But I doubt he'd do that since his job doesn't allow it.

Seriously? Is this a legit post? People change lanes all the time without signaling. This feels like a troll post.

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