Someone please help us

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My fiance's ex appeared out of nowhere about 5 months ago after not hearing from her in 8 years. She claimed he fathered her child and after a long wait turns out she wasn't lying. That child is now almost nine and she never told him about this child. She is taking him to court for 8 years back child support and I need to know if that is legal or not? Can she lie about a childs paternity for 9 years then 8 years later file for back child support? We are in Michigan if that helps.... Someone please help us find out. :eek:
You need to contact the county in which child support is being set. Ask them if there is a statute of limitations on filing for child support. Tell them you also want a Friend of the Court Handbook. Try to have everything in writing. They have to answer your questions. I had a friend in Indiana that had a old one night stand come back 16 years later to say it was his. He only had to pay since date of confirming his child. Go to this website It might be able to help you.

Hope this helps,
A friend in Michigan
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