Son injured by neighbor boy

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My son was playing with the neighbor boy right outside his gate and they were playing on a slide. My son was on top of the slide sitting and the other boy pushed the slide out from underneath him and he fell and broke his Humorus bone at the top by the shoulder. I want to know if I can hold them responsible for the medical bills and if there is anything else I should be thinking about (except if my son is OK)
I want to know if I can hold them responsible for the medical bills and if there is anything else I should be thinking about (except if my son is OK)
You can sue them in small claims court if your neighbors don't step up and offer to pay them. I am not sure what you mean when you say anything else you should be thinking about. Do you mean additional pay for what happened? You can give it a try in court, but I doubt that the magistrate will award you any additional moneys. Hope this helps!
How old are the kids? Was anybody supposed to be supervising them? If very young, the neighbour kid probably wasn't responsible for his actions, but maybe you have a claim that his parents didn't supervise him adequately.
What I meant by "thinking of anything else" as should I be taking pictures of slide and or should I just use the X-rays? Never had to do this with a Neighbor before.
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