Son injuried on carival ride

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My 14 year old son was injured on the "Gravitron" ride at the Spokane Interstate Fair on Sept 8th, when the operator started the ride before my son was in a spot and secure. Thomas has stated that he was still crossing around the inside of the ride to get to the last spot on the opposite side when the ride started moving. When he finally got into the space, he was situated to far up on the back pad and could not move his body down because of the centrifugal force. When it continued to pick up speed, his head was thrown back wards into a metal bar that ran on the inside of the cage. When he noticed the blood running down the back of his neck and arm, he tried to get the attention of the operator. When he finally got him to stop the ride, he told Thomas to "get off" and when his friends requested to be let off, he refused and started the ride. The operator made no attempt to help Thomas even though he was covered in blood nor did he radio for help. Finally a parent that was standing nearby offered to look at his head. Upon doing so, he told Thomas that he had quite a large laceration and would need stitches. He advised Thomas to go to the first aid station. We did end up at the hospital where he received 2 staples to close the laceration. There was a similar accident on the same day in which a metal arm broke off the Zipper stranding 2 children.

This was written in the Seattle Times on Tuesday, September 11th...

"On Saturday, a teenage boy got staples in his scalp after hitting his head on a metal piece of the Gravitron, a ride in which people are pressed against its sides by centrifugal force.
The boy said the operator started the ride too early but, according to an incident report, the operator said the boy ignored warnings and climbed up the walls of the ride. The Washington Department of Labor & Industries attributed the accident to rider error."

I am wondering how the Department of Labor & Industries has already attributed this accident to rider error.

My question to them would be...under what circumstance is it ever OK to start a ride when a minor is not in a secure and safe position. Even if the operator "had" spoken to Thomas he should have asked him to exit the ride before ever starting the ride with someone still moving. So that makes if OK?

Thomas has said that operator never spoke to him....or addressed him at any time. There are witnesses to this accident.

Their risk management adviser/attorney has already tried to contact me, but I have not spoken with him at this time. I am wondering what to do next...any assistance is appreciated.
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