Medical Malpractice Son murdered hospital delays

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New Member
My son was murdered recently. He was shot as a passenger in a car. The driver called 911 so they could phone the hospital ahead of time as they proceeded to the hospital. He was shot in the chest. When my nephew arrived he was told to move his car as my son, alive, sat in the car for 25-30 mins before anyone assisted them, when he was finally taken into the hospital he was wheeled in a wheelchair. We have requested to see the tapes from that night and can't unless I get an attorney. I can not find one to take the case. There is only one hospital in our local area. Please help me. My son was a wonderful boy who was killed as a car was going pass him and my nephew. Thank you.
If you cannot a medical malpractice attorney to help you, then it sounds like you do not have much of a case. It is hard to prove that the delay in treatment, if there was one, is the cause of death being your son had a VERY serious injury to begin with.

I would keep calling around as there is a very short statute of limitations to deal with.
thank you. I can not understand what makes it no case. I know that it is funny how hospitals are not held responsible for their actions.
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