Song lyrics calligraphic art


New Member
New York
I am a calligrapher. I often have clients ask me to create written art using song lyrics, poems, speeches, etc. If someone asks me to write song lyrics, for example, do I need to be concerned about violating copyright law? Each piece is a one-off and is created in direct response to a client inquiry, so they're never offered for public sale anywhere. They are usually gifted to someone who will display it in their home. Thanks for your insight.
I am a calligrapher. I often have clients ask me to create written art using song lyrics, poems, speeches, etc. If someone asks me to write song lyrics, for example, do I need to be concerned about violating copyright law?

Yes. One of the rights copyright law gives to the copyright holder is the exclusive right to make copies of his/her work. So unless the piece is so old that it has lost its copyright protection you'd potentially infringe on the rights of the copyright holder each time you do this. It's a violation even if you never sell it or make a penny off of it. I suggest you consult a copyright attorney about this work so you can determine what you need to do to pursue this activity without infringing on the rights of others.
If someone asks me to write song lyrics, for example, do I need to be concerned about violating copyright law?

You don't need to be concerned just because someone asks. You only need to be concerned if you actually do it. In other words, what you are describing is a blatant violation of copyright.

Each piece is a one-off and is created in direct response to a client inquiry, so they're never offered for public sale anywhere. They are usually gifted to someone who will display it in their home.

None of that is legally relevant.

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