Song title after Brand


New Member
i titled my audio track "Gatorade Bath." Is naming my song after the drink legal? the phrase Gatorade Bath is a popular phrase and apart of the everyday English language. Is it legal? Thank you very much for your time.
Gatorade is trademarked and based on a google search, they do seem to protect their trademark... agree the best thing to do is to contact them and ask... because you are using the term gatorade bath outside its normal's popular in the sports/game sense, but I've never heard it used outside of some actually getting the Gatorade product poured over their head...
Thank You both so much, I will definitely call them. Although, even if it is legal, they might jus tell me it's not in an effort to protect their brand.. There is precedents however, where Run DMC named their song "My Adidas" without talking to adidas. but they eventually partnered. I don't know if it was because adidas couldn't sue them or if they saw an opportunity for free advertising. If any issues I will jus spell it differently. Again, thank you both for your time!
i titled my audio track "Gatorade Bath." Is naming my song after the drink legal?

Yes. Without question. And I strongly suggest that you not call and bother the folks at the company that makes the product since you'll get a rather biased response that isn't likely to be accurate (for the reason you mentioned in your follow up post, among others).

the phrase Gatorade Bath is a popular phrase and apart of the everyday English language. Is it legal?

Did you ask the same question twice?

If any issues I will jus spell it differently.

That wouldn't solve the problem, but since there's no problem to begin with, it's a moot issue.

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