South African child, American father - help!

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Hi everyone,

I know it is considered rude to ask for advice without introductions, but my request for advice is crucial and I really don't know where to turn. So here goes:

My sister is 27 years old and lives in South Africa with her 6 yr old son, Corbyn. The father of the boy lives in Texas (the paternity of the child is not in question here - both parents acknoledge that the father is the parent). The father, an American citizen, left South Africa just a month or so prior to the birth of his son. At that point, he promised to pay for much of the costs required to raise his son, but could not commit to living in South Africa. Since then, the father has paid an amount of anything between $100 and $150 each month, sometimes missing a month, to my sister's bank account in South Africa. The problem arises in that firstly, the frequency of payment is never known and is discretionary upon the fathers willingness to pay, and secondly, the amount that he pays does not even cover a third of the costs required to adequately clothe, school and care for the child (in terms of after school care, medical insurance etc etc).

In addition to this, my sister has recently become redundant and now find herself in a position where she cannot even afford to raise her boy ion a manner which she should be able to.

1. Please could somebody advise me, if they know, if it is possible to claim some sort of alimony / child support from the father in some legally binding and enforcing manner which can be relied upon by my sister and for which the value could sufficiently cover the costs of raising this little boy, and
2. Could anybody provide me with some contacts in order to get the ball rolling in this regard - i.e. the first legal steps required.

I will appreciate any and all advice that is forthcoming, so thank you in advance.

Your sisters situation is very complicated. first of all paternity needs to be established and south africa has jurisdiction here and nobody on this board has any idea what the laws are there. It may be near to impossible to get Dad to pay on any order if South Africa is not party to the Hague Convention. Your sister probably needs to see a South African family law attorney but since Mom and Dad are in different countries, highly complicated,.
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