Spaces Blank on ticket

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New Member
The state or country I am talking about is: Goochland County, Virginia

:mad: I was driving around in my car with my friends and they were drinking and i was not. i had been previously (like 3 hours before) and we were going down the road, and a cop pulled me over, and never made it clear as to why she pulled me over. :confused: then we all got charged w/ possession of alcohol, and got tickets for it. But on my ticket none of my personal information is filled out. like date of birth, weight, eye color, and hair color. can that fact and the fact that i blew a .01 on a breathalizer help me and my friends out?!!?
Probably not.

If your profile is correct then it sounds like you were cited asa minor in posession of alcohol. I doubt the information you are referring to will help your case.
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