speeding ticket from 08

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New Member
I was issued a ticket in Mt Juliet Tn for doing 58 in a 40 zone, I paid the ticket because I was told with my CDL class A I could not go too traffic school
I have now gone 17 months without a ticket, I have four years over the road driving over 780,000 miles and this is the one thing from me getting a job at home so I can be with my family and have some what of a normal life. Is there anything I can do too get this removed before Dec of 2011?
I was issued a ticket in Mt Juliet Tn for doing 58 in a 40 zone, I paid the ticket because I was told with my CDL class A I could not go too traffic school
I have now gone 17 months without a ticket, I have four years over the road driving over 780,000 miles and this is the one thing from me getting a job at home so I can be with my family and have some what of a normal life. Is there anything I can do too get this removed before Dec of 2011?

Sorry, only time will cure some ills.

This, is but one of them.

The good news is, you get closer to 12/11 every day.

Stay safe out there, driver!
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