Speeding ticket in NC

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New Member
Do you have to appear in cout to ask for a prayer for judgement? I am in CT and it will be impossible to appear in court. I was clocked at 70 in a 55. The fine is $140 but I am worried about insurance and points on my ct license. Thanks for any suggestions
You are not eligible for PFJ. Better to retain and attorney and let him negotiate it down to an under 10mph that will not be reported. Check with the CT DMV to see if they post out of state tickets.
Wow, you are my twin, depotman. I am in EXACTLY the same situation...same places and same speeds and I also can't be there. Thanks for asking your question-helps me out now too.
NCSP were busy this weekend, saw them everywhere :)

Hope you both weren't in construction zones, add $250 to the fine if so. NC keeps construction zones active years after the construction is finished, wonder why ;)

As LWPAT suggested, check the impact with you local DMV first. If there is a problem, a lawyer in NC can negotiate down for you, you don't have to be there. Expect to pay $350 - $500 for the services
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