Speeding ticket/PFJ

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New Member
My son, 24, received a speeding ticket...73 in a 55. He used a prayer for judgement approx. 3 years ago. My first question is how can I find out the exact date that it was used? Second question, on line you have posted one PFJ per household, is that true with multiple policies?
I have one, and one per dependent...if he can't use the PFJ what is the best way to get a reduction? And, one more question, what really shows up on your driving record? Warnings
and tickets, or just the tickets?
It's 1 PFJ every three years per household, not policy. I don't know what defines a "household." This only affects insurance points and I do not know where it is tracked -- try calling the DMV to find out.

Convictions show up on your driving record. In NC, you can request a copy on-line.

If convicted, since the speed is more than 15 over, he is at risk of a suspension of his licence. The PFJ won't help this. If he needs to drive, a lawyer would have the best chance of maintaining his licence.

NC Traffic Points
I received a 82/55 5 yrs ago and when i went to court the judge would not let me do anythign myself so i had to get a continous and come back with a lawyer whom was able to take my PRJ. You can contact your local DA office or go online to find the date that your last PRJ was taken and he was guilty of that charge.
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