Speeding ticket Suffolk Co Ny

Kyle Berlin

New Member
New York
Hello, I am a Maryland resident working in New York. Last weekend I received a speeding ticket going 81 in a 55 on sunrise highway in Southampton, NY. the thing is I'm on probation after receiving my third DUI. If I violate my probation I go back to jail. My probation officer doesn't believe this would be such a violation however I am asking around to see if anybody knows more particulars.
First, why would random, anonymous strangers on the internet know more than your probation officer?
Second, if you are truly concerned, it would definitely be worth consulting with an attorney.
Third, perhaps you ought not be driving. You show a flagrant disregard for traffic laws and the safety of those around you.
I presume that since you mentioned your PO in this that you reported the arrest already as required. They have pretty broad discretion on interpretting the terms of your probation which we don't have a clue about.

However 25+ speeding in NY is nothing to sneeze about. There's some onerous surcharge penalties that you will have to pay and you could go to jail. I'd get an attorney up there to represent y ou.
If I violate my probation I go back to jail.

Presumably you were provided a WRITTEN list of probation conditions. Upload it here for comment.

Also state what statute number was given on your citation.

Keep in mind that MD will be notified of your NY conviction under the multi-state Drivers License Compact.
Last weekend I received a speeding ticket going 81 in a 55 on sunrise highway in Southampton, NY. the thing is I'm on probation after receiving my third DUI. If I violate my probation I go back to jail.

Gee...seems like that would've caused you to drive a lot more carefully.

Hope you lose your license for a long, long time, but consult with a local attorney.
Maryland resident working in New York. Last weekend I received a speeding ticket going 81 in a 55 on sunrise highway in Southampton, NY. the thing is I'm on probation after receiving my third DUI. If I violate my probation I go back to jail. My probation officer doesn't believe this would be such a violation however I am asking around to see if anybody knows more particulars.
As others have mentioned, this is likely a fact specific case since probation terms are unknown to us and may be specific to your case. In New York, reckless driving is presumed for speeds that exceed 30 MPH above the speed limit. You were very close. Even assuming your probation officer might happen to be correct, there are more severe penalties for speeding in New York, which include possible jail time, and substantial points on your license for exceeding 21 MPH above the speed limit. If you're going to retain an attorney to handle this speeding ticket, that attorney will probably be in the best position to advise you on the potential impact of your probation for a third DUI.
Not only points on the license, but there's a CASH surcharge that hits after you get those points. 25+ over the limit even without reckless driving or any other NY State infractions is enough to trigger that surcharge.
Along with fines and surcharges for the conviction, your insurance company is next in line to throttle you with substantial increase in rates.

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