Speeding Ticket then 1 Month later "Unattended Vehicle"

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New Member
I got my first speeding ticket about 2 months ago for which I was convicted in court yesterday and let off easy with minimal fines and court costs with only 2 points on my license. One month after the issuance of my ticket, however...my car slipped out of gear while parked, rolled into the street and was hit by another car. I wasn't in the car at the time, but I was issued a ticket for unattended vehicle because the handbrake wasn't used to prevent it from rolling away. I have been browsing the Ohio Revised Code and it says I could be facing a Misdemeanor 4 for this because of my traffic ticket! Is this right? If so, what should I do? I'm about to graduate college...an M4 on my record would hurt my job interviews big time.
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