Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Speeding ticket

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I need information on fighting a speeding ticket. Dont know really where to start, I was pulled over by a state trooper and he could not show me the radar. He told me that it wasnt locked in, This was on a 4 lane road and i was in the slow lane with a car in the frt and a car to my left. The trooped was in the fast lane coming the other direction he made a u turn and pulled me over.
Fighting a speeding ticket is a waste of time, frustrating, and often unproductive.

TN allows you to take a traffic safety course to have the ticket dismissed.

It's inexpensive and 100% effective.

It's also very easy.
thanks i went to the site and found a school will have to call the # on the back of the ticket and find out more information i am not sure that the school is a option for the ticket, they dont list a speeding ticket class on their internet pages
well not so good luck on this. I have a update the school cant help because i havent been to court yet. I guess i jumped the gun on that one. I talked with the general sessions court of dickson tenn and i talked to the lady about the possibility of driving school she said the judge does not offer it because it does not go on your record. So i have to either plead guilt or not guilty if not guilty then pay the money if i want to contest it then i get a different court date. My date is feb 17th @ 9am. Any other thoughts or ideas?
Depends where in Tennessee it occured.

I've gotten probably 15 tickets in the past few years, 6 in Tennessee (not to mention all the times I get stopped and the ofcr. just gives me a verbal warning) and my driving record is spotless. They never went on my driving record.

How to handle it depends on where you got the ticket.

In Nashville and Lebanon you need to go to traffic school to keep it off your record.

In one s.w. Tennessee County, the Trooper tells you at the time he cites you, that if you show up and plead guilty, you'll be fined but it stays off your record, but if you just mail the fine in, it will show up on your record. I showed up and plead guilty. It never showed on my record.

In another s.w. Tennessee county, the ofcr. told me if I pay the fine within 10 days it won't show on my record. He was right.

I got a ticket in Westmoreland. They have a travelling judge who serves multiple parts of the state.

There was a disgruntled retired cop there who is pee'd off because he got screwed on his pension. He pulls people aside and tells you how to beat the tickets. In my case, He told me the cop who gave me the ticket was the "fat slob son of a councilman", and as such, hadn't been required to be radar certified and if I plead not guilty, the judge would just dismiss the ticket. Sure enough, she had me wait until all other defendant's had cleared the room and she then dismissed the case.

Call a traffic atty. in Dickson, it's a small town, he'll know what can be done in that court.

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well have done some searching and have only come up with a lawyer thats 50miles away. Where are all of the traffic lawyers when you need one? Does $1,000 sound high to anyone besides me?
well have done some searching and have only come up with a lawyer thats 50miles away. Where are all of the traffic lawyers when you need one? Does $1,000 sound high to anyone besides me?
I'd rather give the $1,000 to a lawyer, and keep the state and insurance company from getting $2,000 (or more)!!!
A thousand is way too high.

What did the atty. tell you that he could get done? You can usually do it yourself, if you know what that court allows.

Call other atty's as well, just to ask what can be done in that court

These no's. are attorney referral agencies for traffic tickets nationwide. Drain them for info. about your county.

888-266-0499, 800-687-7218, 888-9-MR-TICKET, 800-525-HAUL, 800-444-4424, 800-333-DRIVE

Call the prosecutor and talk to him as well. Ask if you can get a deferred adjudication or go to traffic school, or what it takes to keep it off your record.
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