The state or country I am talking about is: WA
i recently got a speeding ticket (84 in a 60) first thing in the morning (6:45am or so) i found out later that night that they were doing a sting opperation on the whole section of 303, for the most part i was keeping with the flow of traffic. their was alot of traffic as well, i think i just happened to be the last person in the line. i sent in my ticket with mitigation hearing. my only problem is that my hearing is on May 11th. I will probly be in living in Oregon at that time, and i cant afford the 160+ ticket.
i recently got a speeding ticket (84 in a 60) first thing in the morning (6:45am or so) i found out later that night that they were doing a sting opperation on the whole section of 303, for the most part i was keeping with the flow of traffic. their was alot of traffic as well, i think i just happened to be the last person in the line. i sent in my ticket with mitigation hearing. my only problem is that my hearing is on May 11th. I will probly be in living in Oregon at that time, and i cant afford the 160+ ticket.